of the puppies of Dalia from birth till 8 weeks
of 2011,
2010, 2009, 2008
7, 2013
To the coast with the puppies of Dalia |
Today, we had finally
some good weather. We went to the Belgian coast with the 4
sisters. It was the first contact with the beach for them. They
enjoyed it! We made a walk. The pups just followed us. They
behaved very well. We had a lot of fun.

More pictures : click
Video : click

3, 2013
Photos of Dalia's puppies |
received very nice pictures of Bo! It's so nice to see him
evolving this way.
On the profile
of Bo pictures of him can be found that we've
received from his new owners.
We got this nice video
of Bo :).
The adventures
of Liana, Lupine, Laguna and Lucia can be followed
via the (meanwhile) 3rd part of the diary.

31, 2013
Happy Easter |

our rabbit Caro

25, 2013
Happy birthday Dolce !!! |

Dolce !

24, 2013
Canine Freestyle competition in Theux - Dalia 2nd place in Advanced
class freestyle !!! |
dream has come true. Sunday March 24, 2013 the first canine
freestyle competition of the year took place in Theux (Belgium)
organized by dog school EEC Jean Cokaiko. It had been snowing, so
the roads were slippery. I’ve participated with two dogs :
Havanese Dalia and Havanese Emilia in the Musical Freestyle
competition (not in the Heelwork to Music competition).
Dalia : 2nd
place (on 7) with 9,32
Music : Globus - Europa (Heaven help in all
our battles : Intrumental version)
Dalia I’ve shown the routine on the music “Europa” (Heaven
help in all our battles) by Globus. We had so much fun. In the
beginning of the routine, she was a little bit distracted, but
soon I had all her attention and we just enjoyed the performance.
Dalia is such a wonderful dog. It was her second performance in
the Advanced class and she got the 2nd place !!! She
got 9.32 points. The first place went to the recent International
Freestyle winner at Crufts J.
I never believed this would be possible with a Havanese. I’m
sooooo proud of Dalia! She is really an amazing Havanese.
& Feed
Music : Nneka - Heartbeat
Emilia I’ve participated in the Fun & Feed class at the end
of the competition day. It’s like a demonstration class. We
danced on “Heartbeat” by Nneka. I was surprised to see that
Emilia had still so much energy and was not distracted by the
crowd. She did so well! I’m also very proud of my little girl.
very nice to be rewarded with these wonderful results. I really
want to thank our dogs for all the joy and fun they bring in our
has given birth to 5 puppies (Liana, Lupine, Bo, Laguna and Lucia)
on November 24, 2012. So today her puppies became 4 months old. It
was Dalia’s first performance after she became a mother. We
brought two of her puppies with us today. It was their first
experience with a “competition ring”.
pictures click
here. Article in Dog
Sport Magazine.

10, 2013
Tiziano visiting us |
This weekend
the son of Havana and Valter, stayed with us. He has been playing
well with the other Havanese.


8, 2013
Happy birthday Gioia !!! |

Gioia !

5, 2013
News and pictures of Bo - Profiels of the puppies of Dalia |
We get regularly an
update about little Bo who lives in Wuustwezel. We think it's
wonderful to be able this way to follow him up while he is
made a profile page for every puppy of Dalia (Liana, Lupine, Bo,
Laguna and Lucia) which can be found via the page "Our
dogs" (more info and pictures will be added later).
On the profile
of Bo pictures of him can be found that we've
received from his new owners.
The adventures
of Liana, Lupine, Laguna and Lucia can be followed
via the second part of the diary.

2, 2013
Happy birthday Itala !!! |

Itala !

25, 2013 First aid course for dog and cat
in animal hospital VvD |
This evening, I've
attended the first aid course about dogs and cats organised by the
animal hospital VvD in Berchem where I also do my internship.
After 30 minutes of theory, we had three parts of practice. It was
a very interesting evening.

20, 2013
Dalia's puppies |
Dalia's puppies became 8 weeks old. They are all beautiful,
playfull and curious puppies. Today, Bo went to his new home. We
miss him, but we know that his new owners will take very well care
of him.

Lupo Dal
last pictures of this litter can be seen via journal.
These are the pictures from birth till 8 weeks. On the
following page
more pictures can be found, and also on the profiles of the
puppies (under construction).

6, 2013
Agility training in the Netherlands |
I've participated to an agility training in the Netherlands with
our Havanese Gioia and Havana. It was very interesting.


5, 2013 Our dogs on the television in "André van
Duin's Animal crackers"
info |
the end of August 2012, a television production from the
Netherlands contacted us to ask if they could film our hobby with
our dogs. They interviewed us about canine freestyle. It was a
show about animals and the passion of people for animals of André
van Duin as "Jan Wijdbeens".

Reportage can be seen via the next link
from 2.30 minutes :
More information
(in Dutch).

in 2012
2012 |
Click to see a review of the activities with our Havanese
in 2012 |
Activities: Dog Dance
Competitions - Dog Dance Demonstrations - Obedience - Agility -
Show |

10, 2012 Sterilisation Havanese Vita |
was not an easy decision to make because we don't like the idea of
operating a healthy dog, but we've decided to neuter Vita. She is
a Havanese female of 7 years old. The problem of Vita is that she
had period of being in heat that succeeded very quickly (sometimes
only 5 months in between) and that she often had false
pregnancies. The risk of tumors was very high so the vet advised
us to operate her. Now she is still very young and fit, so we
wanted to avoid an urgent operation in future.
morning Vita is neutered. Uterus and ovaries were removed. The
operation took an hour and was very successful. Back home, the
other dogs were very curious, but they understood that Vita needed
to be left alone. We hope that she quickly recovers from the

8, 2012 Belgium Open : participation in
Innovation with The Havanese Freestylers |
This weekend
the Belgium Open or Belgian championship of canine freestyle (dog
dance) took place in Balen. There were many national and
international participants. The competition took place on Saturday
and Sunday, each time the HTM and MF in the classes beginners,
novice, intermediate, innovation and advanced.
We only
participated on Saturday because of the puppies at home (Laura
stayed at home puppysitting) and because of work for school (exams
next week). We participated with the group The Havanese
Freestylers with the routine on The Bongo Song of Safri Duo.
Normally this routine is done with Havanese Dolce, Vita, Dalia and
Mistica, but Dalia (who has puppies at the moment) was replaced by
Gioia. It was a challenge to teach another dog the exercises and
working together with another dog is only a few weeks. But we are
very proud of our dogs!!
With this
routine we've also participated on the show La France a un incroyable talent (France got
talent). Click on the link to see more
pictures/text (in Dutch).
We obtained
a 4th place international and a 3rd place national in Innovation
and a 3rd place with the club (G.H.V.). We had a nice and relaxing
day. We got soms nice compliments from French competitors. That
means a lot to us.
Dolce &
Vita |
Gioia &
Mistica |
Gioia &
Mistica |
pictures : click
here (coming soon).

4, 2012 Happy birthday Tiziano,
Lucca, Emilia, Jolie, Dafne !!! 2 years |

1, 2012 Emilia and Nikita pass the Agility
test |
the club held a agility test to which we participated with our
Havanese Emilia and English Cocker Nikita. They had to do a full
trail with all obstacles on time. They both passed! We're very

28, 2012 Gioia back home after recovery in
animal hospital |
been very good news that Dalia and the puppies are doing so well.
It was less good news about Gioia. Sinds Monday evening she's been
staying in the animal hospital because she had stomach ache since
a few days. Monday she also started vomiting. In the hospital she
got fluids and medication. Several tests were done (blood,
ultrasound, ...). She probably has enteritis, but it's not sure
what caused this. Yesterday in the afternoon, we'd visited her in
the hospital. It was heartbreaking to see her there. This
afternoon, she could come home again. She's still a bit weak, but
she's recovering. Luckily she's eating again.

27, 2012 Lecture in animal hospital VvD
about puppies |
evening I (Kristine) have attended the puppy evening at animal
hospital VvD. Three presentations were given : one about food, one
about fleas, ticks and worms and one about behavior and education.
It was an interesting evening.

24, 2012 Dalia gave birth to 5 puppies !!!
More information on the Puppies
page. |
gave birth to 5 gorgeous puppies! The first two puppies were born
in the animal hospital. Dalia didn't have enough contractions (primary
uterine inertia). In the hospital they gave her fluids and
oxytocin. They also did a blood test.
are the puppies :
first puppy was born on 19.05h. It's a red parti female.
The second puppy, a
female, was born on 19.26h. She is also red parti coloured.
The other three pups
were born at home.
The third puppy was
born on 20.25h. We had to help a bit during the delivery. It's a
cream coloured male. The fourth puppy was born on 20.36h. It's a
red irish pied girl. The fifth and last puppy was born on 20.57h.
It's a cream coloured female with some darker spots on the back.

showed immediately what a great mom she is. We're proud of her!
But she's still very tired. We are happy that it all ended well.
We've had some unforgettable moments. And now we enjoy every

: Geboorte en dag 1

17, 2012 Canine Freestyle
demonstration on Eurodogshow in Kortrijk |
we've participated with The Wet Nose Dancers and other canine
freestylers from all parts of Belgium to the canine freestyle
demonstration on the Eurodogshow in Kortrijk.
We've shown the routine on the Bongo
Song of Safri Duo with The Havanese Freestylers. This time, Dalia
couldn't participate. She's pregnant and of course stayed at home
resting. Gioia 'replaced' her. She's not
used to work with other dogs and she didn't know all exercises
until a few weeks ago. We are very happy with the result.
Nikita showed the routine on Rolling
in the deep of Adele twice (full version). She was very
enthusiastic and did very well. We got some nice reactions from
the public.
More pictures : click
here. |

9, 2012
Happy birthday Dalia !!! |

Dalia !

3, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition in Genk |
Today we've
participated to the canine freestyle (dog dance) competition of
dog school LIHOS in Genk. We've performed with Mistica and the
three sisters Lucca, Jolie and Dafne. It was a very cold, rainy
day. The dogs were soon very wet. Luckily the competition took
place indoors. We are very proud of our little dogs.
Dafne : PASSED !!!
Music : Flo Rida - Good Feeling
Havanese Dafne was born with us 23 months ago. Today we've
participated to the Initiation class and she passed! Now she can
compete for points. She did very well. She was not too distracted,
had a lot of attention and was very relaxed, vivid and active in
the ring.
Jolie : 6th place (on
9) with 7,98
Music : Don Diablo - Animale
Jolie behaved like a wild animal in the ring which suited well
with the music :p. She was jumping and running around. She showed
her lovely playful cheerful temperament. We had a lot of fun.
Unfortunately not all judges appreciated her enthousiastic way of
'dancing' which resulted in not even an 8. We are disappointed
because she deserved to get an 8. She did all the exercises on her
own funny playful way. We've had a lot of fun, that's all that
Mistica : 6th place (on 8) with 8,16
Music : Lykke Li - I follow rivers
Right before the start, Mistica had to say hi, but as soon
as the routine started she had again a lot of attention for the
handler. She was active and enthousiastic. Her tail was wagging
during the whole routine.
& Feed
Music : Emeli Sandé - Heaven
Lucca surprised us today. She had never competed before and only
participated to one demonstration. Today she showed her dancing
skills. She did so well! Lucca is rather timid, but she didn't
show this in the ring. She worked enthousiastic and with
precision. She had a lot of attention. The judges were positive
about her. She is ready for competitions. In the routine we show a
lot of exercises, but we need to introduce more pauses in it,
according to the judges.
PHOTOS of Dafne, Jolie, Mistica and Lucca : click


3, 2012
Happy birthday Havana !!! |

Havana !

24, 2012
Happy birthday Quenna !!! |

Quenna !

23, 2012
Happy birthday Iliano !!! |

Iliano !

13, 2012
Agility competition at HS 't Kruierke with Gioia and Havana |
I've participated at the Agility competition of HS 't Kruierke with
Havanese Gioia and Havana. The weather was not so good.
Gioia and Havana
run in the 1st grade small. It's the first and only competition of
Agility we've done this year.
trail :
: 4th place on 20 !!! And she
got an U (excellent) !! No faults. Havana : DQ (she was
frightened by the loudly barking dogs right next to the tunnel, I
can't blame her).

Jumping :
Gioia : 13th place : 12 time faults and 5 penalty
Havana : 12th place : 17 time faults
We've had a
pleasant day. I'm proud of these two girls. They don't have much
competition experience, but they love doing Agility. I'm very proud
to get an U (excellent) with a Havanese. That's more than I could
wish for.

12, 2012
Emilia and Nikita at the animal physiotherapy lesson |
For the course
Physiotherapy for animals at KATHO of dr. Muylaert I've brought my
dogs Havanese Emilia and English Cocker Nikita with me. They behaved
very well. After the dog, we examined the horse.
The next week (19th
of October) Nikita has accompanied me again to Roeselare for the
oral part of the examination of Animal Physiotherapy.

7, 2012 Test of social behavior with Dolce, Vita, Hippy, Itala :
we participated with our Havanese Dolce, Vita, Hippy and Itala to
the socialization test at dog school Holvensche in Geel. All dogs
PASSED !! They did all the tests without any problems. We are very
left to right : Linda with
Dolce, Kristine with Vita, Linda with Itala and Kristine with Hippy.
All passed :)
The dogs who
have passed receive an official certificate as proof of their social
behavior towards people and other dogs. This test is also obliged to
get the certificate of obedience and agility.
test is examined by 2 judges. The main goal of the test is to
verify if the dog behaves socially towards people and dogs and in

29, 2012 Attestation day in Temse with Jolie
and Dafne |
Today we've
participated to the attestation day of Saint Hubert in Temse with
Havanese Jolie and Dafne. Both girls obtained the
certificate/attestation (permission to the LOSH breeding).

16, 2012
Canine Freestyle demonstration in Evere |
Today we've
participated with The Wet Nose Dancers to a dog dance
(canine freestyle) demonstration near Brussels.
first demo took place on the grass. We were surrounded by a large
public. Kristine danced with Havanese Dalia on the music "Good Feeling"
of Flo Rida (full version). Dalia
was super enthusiastic and was running around with a lot of joy.
She had so much attention and clearly enjoyed performing. We are
so proud of her!
danced with Linda on the song "I
follow rivers" of Lykke Li. Her tail didn't stop wagging. She
is such a funny dog!
The public
was very enthusiastic and several people came to us to
congratulate us for the nice performance. That's very nice to
a break, a second demo took place on a stage in the middle of the
street. Unfortunately, a Brazilian dance crew passed the street at
the moment that we were about to start with Havana. They
made a lot of noise! Havana danced with Kristine on "The
riverside" of Agnes Obel, but we decided not to finish the
routine since Havana was impressed by the very loud drum rolls of
the Braziliano dance group. Performing must be a positive
experience, never a negative one.
After the
group stopped making loud drum rolls, the demo continued. Linda
worked with Mistica.
She did again fantastic! After the demo, all dancers came back on
the stage doing some tricks. This time Havana was very relaxed and
everything went perfectly. It's important for us that this demo
ended in a positive way and it did.
It was a
very pleasant day. Very unique to perform in the streets in
Brussels in front of such a large crowd!
of Dalia, Mistica and Havana : click

15, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of the Belgian Border Collie Club in
Vlimmeren |
we've participated to the Dog Dance (Canine Freestyle)
competition of dog school the Belgian Border Collie
Club in Vlimmeren. We've particpated with our Havanese
Quenna and Gioia and English Cocker Nikita |
competition took place in a tent on grass. We had a lot of
fun and we are very happy with the beautiful results! |
Quenna : 8th place (on 12) with 8,57 !!!
Music : Gotye - Somebody that I used to
Quenna was a little bit distracted in the beginning of the
routine, but soon Linda could capture her attention. The rest of
the routine was very good. It's always fun to work with Quenna who
has a lot of attention and a will to please.
Nikita : 3rd
place (on 12) with 9,11 !!!
Music : Adele - Rolling in the deep
was Nikita's first competition this year and she really enjoyed
it. She was enthusiastic. Despite the problems with the stereo
which made it very difficult to hear the music in the ring, we
were able to show the routine the way it had to be. Nikita was
hardly distracted by the grass. We got a very good 3rd place!
were also rewarded with a special price for the "most
promising routine"! Thanks!!
Gioia : 2nd
place (on 7) with 8,72 !!!
Music : Jovanotti - L'ombelico del mondo
Gioia surprises us every time. She has her own style. She made us
very proud by obtaining a wonderful 2nd place in the Novice
PHOTOS of Quenna, Nikita and Gioia : click

2, 2012
Canine Freestyle demonstration in Bornem |
Today we've
given a canine freestyle (dog dance) demonstration with The Wet Nose Dancers
in Bornem. We've participated with the four sisters Lucca, Emilia,
Jolie and Dafne. Our "puppies" are 21 months old now. It
was so nice to be able to work with four siblings on the same
occasion. We are very proud of them!
Lucca it was the very first performance outdoors. She
danced with Kristine on a brand new routine on the song 'Heaven'
of Emeli Sandé. Lucca who is rather timid by nature did her very
best. We had so much fun!

showed with Dafne the routine on the song "Somebody
that I used to know" of Gotye. She did her best! 
also worked with Emilia on the song "Heartbeat"
of Nneka. Emilia is like her mother Havana : a lot calmer outdoors
than at home. But still, she enjoyed it.
crazy Jolie could also show her skills with Kristine. She
is a Havanese with a huge will to please. She is so enthusiastic.
They danced on "Good Feeling" of Flo Rida. You always
have a big smile on your face when you work with Jolie.
More photos
of our dogs : click

20, 2012
Happy birthday Mistica !!! |

Mistica !

17, 2012
Happy birthday Vita !!! |

Vita !

15, 2012 Canine Freestyle demonstration in Duisburg |
we've participated with The Wet Nose Dancers to a dog dance
(canine freestyle) demonstration in Duisburg. It was a hot day! We
often made our dogs wet so they would cope better with the
shown twice the quattro act (The Bongo Song van Safri Duo), this
is the routine of the Havanese
Freestylers (Dolce, Vita, Dalia,
Mistica). We've also participated with Gioia. All dogs did very
well despite the heat. They make us so proud.
photos of our dogs : click

12, 2012 Test agility beginners to
advanced |
morning the agility test took place from
starters/beginners to advanced at dog school Hoba. I've
participated with my English Cocker Nikita and Havanese
Emilia and they both passed!
very proud since they only do agility for 3 months!
Thank you Barbara
Crols of Lunagraph for the pictures. |

8, 2012 Trip to the beach |

4, 2012 Test obedience C class to B1 class |
we've done the obedience test from class C to B1 with English
Cocker Nikita and Havanese Emilia and they both passed! Well done

29, 2012 Canine Freestyle demonstration in
Beervelde |
Today we've
given a dog dance demonstration with The Wet Nose Dancers on the Natte
poten, dolle neuzen day in Beervelde.
The weather was good. It
was a nice day. We've performed with the Havanese
Freestylers (Dolce, Vita, Dalia, Mistica) on the music The
Bongo Song of Safri Duo. We've also danced with Emilia. We had a
lot of fun all together. We are proud of them!
More photos
of our dogs : click

23, 2012 Havanese visit |
Today we've visited
the Havanese of Nadine in Vinkt. It was a sunny summersday. The
dogs enjoyed the sunshine and played a lot.
Our Lucca, Emilia,
Jolie, Dafne, Itala and Dalia : |
Red Havanese in
different shades (Kubana, Kalima, Kesara, Bibi, Rose) +
Four sisters of Princess and Red (Kuenna, Kuerida, Kubana, Kalima)
Sister and
(Romina and Billy-Boy)
Princess : |
Valter, daddy
of our Havana's quintuplet and crazy of our Dafne :
Four daughters
of Havana and Valter (Lucca, Emilia, Jolie, Dafne) + Pepita's
daughters Kokonut and Kissy-Mocca + Billy-Boy : |
Jolie, Dafne,
Kalima, Kubana, Itala :
Pups of Pepita
and Julio
Kittens of Marie :

21, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of HS Te Lande in Reningelst |
we've participated to the dog dance (canine freestyle) competition
of dog school Te Lande in Reningelst. We've performed with our
Havanese Jolie,
Mistica and Dalia.
(Jolie Siena del Paradiso di Cani) : 1e
place (on 5) with 8,76 points !!!
Music : Don Diablo feat. Dragonette -
Jolie is the first Havanese born with us with whom we participate
to a canine freestyle competition for points and she got a 1st
place !!! We are sooooo proud of our little girl !!
the routine, Jolie opens a cage to free herself. She meets wild
animals like a snake, a monkey, a tigre, a cheetah and a wolf. In
the end she jumps in the arms of the handler.
Mistica : DQ
Music : Lykke Li - I follow rivers
Mistica was very enthusiastic and so happy that she could
perform. In the beginning of the routine she wanted to greet the
judges, but unfortunately she left the ring. She came back and the
rest of the routine was perfect. So, no points for Mistica, but we
are still very proud because she did so well. She is a wonderful
Havanese to work with.
Dalia : DQ
Music : Globus - Europa (Heaven help in all our battles)
instumental version
Dalia danced for the first time in the advanced class! The fact
that we got to this class with a Havanese is a big achievement.
Dalia has done her very best every single time on each
competition. But today, she was in the same happy mood as Mistica
and she wanted to greet the judges as well and therefore she
stepped out of the ring. No points for Dalia either, but again a
very good performance. She is a fantastic Havanese!
PHOTOS of Jolie, Mistica and Dalia : click

8, 2012 Canine Freestyle demonstration in
Alden-Biesen |
Today we've
participated with the other members of THE WET NOSE DANCERS to a
canine freestyle (dog dance) demonstration in Alden Biesen (Bilzen).
It was a rainy day with a lot of wind. Not so easy to perform. But
we are very proud of our dogs who did so well :).
danced for the second time on the music Heartbeat of Nneka. In the
beginning she was a little bit distracted, but soon she had all
her attention on me and did very well. Mistica
showed for the first time the new routine on the music I follow
rivers of Lykke Li. She was so enthusiastic and very fast, as
danced on the full version of the song Rolling in the deep of
Adele. She did very well too.
Also Havana
could show her dance moves on the music The Riverside of Agnes
Obel. Havana did very well. She is calmer than at home, but we're
still proud of her!
danced for the first time with Linda. She showed the routine of
Quenna : Somebody that I used to know van Gotye. She made
such a huge jumps. She got a bit distracted by something she found
in the grass, but she did so well just like the others.
We are very
proud of our dogs who did so well in this crowd. They had a lot of
fun. It was a nice day.
More photos
of our dogs : click

3, 2012 Lucca and Dafne passed the
obedience test |
evening we've participated to the obedience test from class D to C
with Lucca and Dafne and they passed!!
Quenna and the four sisters Lucca, Emilia, Jolie and Dafne have
now done this test. We're proud of our girls!

1, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of RCCDISH in Waver |
we've participated to the Dog Dance (Canine
Freestyle) competition of RCCDISH in Waver. We've performed with Jolie,
Quenna and Gioia. Our doggies were a bit distracted by the large
hall and huge ring.
(Jolie Siena del Paradiso di Cani)
Music : Flo Rida - Good Feeling
Jolie is the first Havanese born with us with whom we participated
in the Initiation class. She passed so now she may enter the
competition for points. We are sooo proud!
Quenna :
6th place (on
6) with 7.95
Music : Gotye (feat. Kimbra) - Somebody
that I used to know
Quenna was also impressed by the large hall/huge ring and
was a bit more distracted than she normally is. But she still
worked very well with a lot of enthusiasm. We don't understand why
the judges didn't give her more points. Maybe the routine was
missing some bling bling. It's a subjective sport ... But we
had a lot of fun! That's the main thing!
PHOTOS of Jolie and Quenna : click
Gioia : DQ
Music : Jovanotti - L'ombelico del mondo
Gioia is a dog full with surprises. Last time she rocked, now she
was really stubborn. She didn't know where my mother was (next to
the ring), but she really felt the need to find her and say
goodbye. So, she did. Toward the end of the routine, she left the
ring, said "hi", and came back. Of course this means a
DQ. It's a pity because we know how smart and intelligent she is
and what she can. But they are no robots. It wasn't her day.

28, 2012 Essay about the sportdog |
academic year I've done my internship with Ellen Martens of Het
Waterhof. This is an animal rehabilitation center in Velm. Ellen
is physio- en hydrotherapist and sport coach. My paper of 170
pages is about the sportdog. The title is : "Training and
coaching the canine athlete with specific attention for the
disciplines canine freestyle, agility en canicross".

24, 2012
Agility |
pictures of Nikita and Emilia during the Agility training in the
rain. More

17, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of HS Cynopolis in Kapellen |
we've participated to the Dog Dance (Canine
Freestyle) competition of HS Cynopolis in Kapellen. We've
participated with The Havanese Freestylers (Dolce, Vita, Dalia, Mistica)
and with Dafne. It was her first performance. They worked very
well and with a lot of enthousiasm.
The Havanese Freestylers
Music : Safri Duo - The Bongo Song
It's always been very nice to work with our four Havanese Dolce,
Vita, Dalia en Mistica together. They motive each
other a lot. That's why we've participated again with The Bongo
Song to this competition. But we changed the content of the
routine. It was the first time that we've shown the new version of
this routine. We had so much fun! The public and judges give us
very nice reactions. commentaar.
Dafne (Jolie Dafne del Paradiso di Cani)
Music : Flo Rida - Good Feeling
For our puppy Dafne, meanwhile 18 months old (time goes fast!), it
was the first performance outdoors. She did great! The judges were
also very positive about her performance.
More PHOTOS of Dafne : click

12, 2012
Agility and obedience on HS Hoba |
Tuesday May 8, 2012, Havanese Emilia and English Cocker Nikita got
their first Agility class. They loved it!
After 7 courses, we could join the beginners group.

Quenna was doing obedience. She had a lot of attention.

5, 2012
Jolie passed the obedience test |
little month ago, we started doing obedience classes with Lucca
and Jolie at canine club Hoba. This evening I (Linda) have done
the test to go from the D to C class with Jolie and she passed! We
are very proud!

12, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of Dogs@Work in Bornem |
Today we've
participated to the Dog Dance (Canine
Freestyle) competition of Dogs@Work in Bornem. We participated
with our Havanese Gioia,
Quenna & Jolie. We brought also Lucca with us. It was a very
relaxing and nice day. The dogs behaved very well. Because of the
good weather, we've made a long walk during the break. They
enjoyed it as much as we did.
(Musical Freestyle)
Gioia : 2nd
place (on 13) with 8,7
Music : Jovanotti - L'ombelico del mondo
September 2009, we hadn't participated to a canine freestyle
competition with Gioia. She was mainly doing Agility, but at home
we kept practising with her, just as with all our other dogs.
Gioia is a very smart Havanese. She knows many exercises and
tricks. So, we wanted to try to show them again in public. Gioia
has also a difficult character. If she's not in the mood, she
won't do it. She can be stubborn. It's a challenge to work with
her outdoors. But she did very very well on the competition. She
had a lot of attention and was willing to do all the exercises. We
had so much fun in the ring!! We're proud of her.
(Musical Freestyle)
Quenna : 6th place (on 13) with 8,2
Music : Gotye (feat. Kimbra) - Somebody
that I used to know
A week ago, Quenna obtained her permission to enter the canine
freestyle competition (Initiation) and today was her first
performance for points. She had a lot of attention. We had a lot
of fun.
Jolie (Joliesiena del Paradiso di Cani)
Music : Flo Rida - Good Feeling
the end of the competition, the demonstration class or Fun &
Feed class takes place. No points are given in this class. We
participated with Jolie. She did her very best! We are very proud
of her.
of Gioia, Quenna & Jolie : click

5, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of De Brave Bakelanders in Langemark |
we've participated to the Dog Dance (Canine
Freestyle) competition of De Brave Bakelanders in Langemark. We've
shown our routines with Quenna, Havana & Jolie. Emilia &
Dafne have accompanied us today. We are again very proud of our
Havanese. It was a long, but nice day.
(Musical Freestyle)
Music : Gotye (feat. Kimbra) - Somebody
that I used to know
Quenna obtained her attestation, so she can enter the competition
for points now. Next time, she can participate in the beginners
class. She did very well :).
(Musical Freestyle)
Havana : 4e
place with 8
Music : Anges Obel - The Riverside
worked well, but with some hesitation. Towards the end of the
competition, we did some exercises next to the ring and she had a
lot of energy. She was not timid anymore.
Demo klas
Jolie (Joliesiena del Paradiso di Cani)
Music : Nneka - Heartbeat
the end of the competition, the new class called fun & feed
takes place. We've participated with Jolie, daughter of Havana,
for the first time. She did very well. We are proud of her!
of Quenna, Havana & Jolie : click

1, 2012 Emilia and Quenna passed the
obedience test - admission Agility |
April 8 we follow obedience courses with our youngest dogs at dog
school Hoba. This evening, we've participated to the obedience
test to go to the next class (D to C) with Quenna and Emilia. They
both passed the test! We would like to start with Agility with
Emilia. In order to enter the starters class, you need to pass
this obedience test. So, now Emilia, and Nikita who passed two
weeks ago for the same test, may start with Agility on May 8.
We're looking forward to that.

29, 2012
Test of social behavior on Holvensche HS : Jolie & Dafne
PASSED !!! |
we participated with our Havanese Jolie & Dafne
to the socialization test at dog school Holvensche in Geel. Both
sisters PASSED !! They did all the tests without any problems. We
are very happy!!
The dogs who
have passed receive an official certificate as proof of their
social behavior towards people and other dogs. This test is also
obliged to get the certificate of obedience and agility.
test is examined by 2 judges. The main goal of the test is
to verify if the dog behaves socially towards people and dogs and
in traffic.

22, 2012
Workshop Canine Fitness in the Netherlands |
This morning
I (Kristine) have participated to a workshop in the Netherlands
(Dogcenter Kerkwijk) about Canine Fitness given by animal
physiotherapist Elma Bakker and dog instructor/trainer Brigitte
van Gestel. The subject of this workshop is closely related to the
subject of my thesis : the canine athlete and my internship with
animal physiotherapist Ellen Martens of Het Waterhof. It was an
interesting morning. Nikita thought it was all very
In the
workshop they spoke about body-awareness, coordination and balance
of the dog. We had theory and practice. The workshop focussed on
prevention of injuries, rehabilitation and improving sports

home we continue practising. Our Havanese love doing these
exercises. It's something different from the usual obedience and
freestyle exercises.

21, 2012
Canine Freestyle competition of 't Kruierke in Balen |
we've participated to the Canine Freestyle competition of 't
Kruierke in Balen. We've participated with Dalia, Quenna &
Emilia. We are very proud of them! It was a nice day.
rules of Canine Freestyle have changed in Belgium since this year.
We have now two distinct disciplines at competitions : Heelwork To
Music and Musical Freestyle. We participate in Musical Freestyle.
The length of the songs for each class is now determined. You can
no longer use food in the Initiation and Beginners class.
They’ve created a demonstration class (Fun & Feed) at the
end of the competition in which dogs from 6 months of age may
enter and you may use food and toys to reward the dog during the
routine if you want.
(Musical Freestyle)
Dalia : 1e
place with 8.78
Music : Globus - Europa (instrumental version) "Heaven help
in all our battles"
shown a new routine on the music “Europa” (Heaven help in all
our battles) by Globus. It’s a song about wars and battles over
the past centuries ending with the words “Never again!”
Dressed as a female warrior I ‘travelled’ with Dalia through
different eras : Classical Antiquity, Middle Ages, Early Modern
Europe, Modern Times & Recent History. Each era was
represented by a ‘milestone’ with names of battles mentioned
in the song. At the end of the routine I’ve shown the text :
“To battle … Never again!” to the judges.
very proud of Dalia!! She had a lot of attention. We’ve shown
some new tricks. We had a lot of fun in the ring. We were rewarded
with the highest points in the Intermediate class. She did so
The next competition Dalia must enter in the Advanced class, the
highest level in Canine Freestyle. She will be the first Havanese
in that class.
is such a wonderful dog! She has the best temperament. I’m so
happy that I can ‘work’ with her!
Muziek : Gotye (feat. Kimbra) - Somebody
that I used to know
first dog dance experience went very well. She's never performed
outdoors, so this was very very good for her. She did all the
exercises as asked. The judges thought she was a happy funny
Music : Nneka - Heartbeat
who is very attached to me at home, was a bit overwhelmed at the
competition. The ring, all the people standing around her, the
sounds and music in this large hall, ... she was distracted. She
did some exercises very well. It's not easy to 'work' outdoors in
new places. It's not easy with these real lap dogs. It was a good
exercise for her.
of Dalia, Quenna & Emilia : click

18, 2012
Happy birthday Hippy !!! |


4, 2012 Havana's quintuplet is 16 months |
Tiziano (Je Tiziano del
Paradiso di Cani)

Lucca (Jolie Lucca del
Paradiso di Cani)

Emilia (J'Emilia del
Paradiso di Cani)

Jolie (Jolie Siena del
Paradiso di Cani)

Dafne (Jolie Dafne del
Paradiso di Cani)

1, 2012 Havanese fun |

25, 2012
Happy birthday Dolce !!! |

Dolce !

23, 2012 The dogs enjoy the sunshine |

20, 2012 Spring is coming soon |


2, 2012 Emilia & Nikita to practical
class of Anatomy |
Today, I had an exam
to do at KATHO in Roeselare where I study Agro- and Biotechnology
(Animal Care). In the afternoon, we had a practical course of
Anatomy about dogs and horses. Havanese Emilia and English Cocker
Nikita accompanied me during class.

8, 2012
Happy birthday Gioia !!! |

Gioia !

7, 2012 Havanese book of Patricia McRae |
The beautiful book about
Havanese The Essential
Guide for the Havanese Lover
(Breed Lover's Guide)
of Patricia McRae (Ahavapicaro kennel)
from the United States
is now available via Amazon.
A must!
Havanese was originally bred to be a pampered companion pet of the
aristocracy in Cuba especially prized for his long and luxuriously silky
coat. A lap-sized charmer, this lively and intelligent little dog exceled
at giving amusement and affection, so much so that he quickly became an
ideal family pet who is now sought-after worldwide. Along with complete
coverage of breed-specific care, this comprehensive guide will teach you
how to keep your Havanese's long, dense, and often curly coat properly
groomed and looking show-ring perfect.
Patricia McRae is a retired professor and owner of Ahavapicaro Kennel.
Coming from a farm and ranching tradition, but eventually needing her dogs
to be smaller, she encountered and fell in love with the Havanese breed.
Established in 1997, Dr. McRae's kennel has fielded approximately 40
champions over the past 12 years. She co-founded and served as President
of the Delaware Valley Havanese Club (DVHC), of which she remains a
member, and is a member of the Havanese Club of America (HCA), where she
has served on numerous committees.

2, 2012
Happy birthday Itala !!! |
Itala !

29, 2012 Socialization
test in HS Pallieter : Lucca & Emilia PASSED :D |
we participated with our Havanese Lucca &
Emilia to
the socialization test at dog school
Pattieter. Both sisters PASSED !! They did all the tests
without any problems.
We are very happy!!
dogs who have passed receive an official
certificate as proof of their social behavior
towards people and other dogs. This test is
also obliged to get the certificate of
obedience and agility.
test is examined by 2 judges. The main
goal of the test is to verify if the dog
behaves socially towards people and dogs and in

1, 2012 Happy 2012 |
The first day of the year, we've visited
Tiziano. He was very happy with his new presents. We also brought
his sisters Lucca, Emilia, Jolie and Dafne with us.
